Theater Games help to build imagination, enhance cooperation,
and inject a little goofiness into your day.
Plus they are a whole lot of fun!
All the games below are listed with age range recommendations, number of players,
and directions for play. Have fun!
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Object As Other
Age range: 5 and up
Number of people: 2 or more
Materials needed: a household object
Benefits: imagination, creativity, right brain, being ‘open’ to what can be, acting
To Play: Find an object in your home that, with a little imagination, can be many other kinds of things, such as a ruler, a colander, a spoon, etc. One person takes the object, and uses it in a different way than it is normally used. Example: the ruler can be a paddle on a boat, an earring, a toothbrush, a key to open the door, etc. The object is passed around to participants who get to act out their idea of what the object can be and the other players guess what it is.
Name 6
Age range: 5 and up
Number of people: 2 or more
Materials needed: none, though an object to pass is fun if it’s a larger group
Benefits: thinking quickly, thinking under pressure, language
To Play: Player A asks Player B to name 6 of any category they choose- such as 6 flavors of ice cream, 6 kinds of shoes, or 6 words that start with P, etc. After the 6 items have been said, Player B asks Player A to name 6 of a different category. This game continues, giving each member of the group a chance to ask another player to name 6 of their choice of category.
This game is easily made easier or harder to fit the level of the players. Example: if the person to name 6 is young, name 6 colors, or 6 kinds of fruit might be the right challenge. If the person is older, name 6 rivers, or 6 countries in Europe, might be more appropriate. The number of items named can also be reduced or increased depending on what feels right for the players.
If there are several people playing, an object can be passed around the circle while the person is naming the 6 things. The goal is for the person naming things to complete the list before the object goes fully around the circle.
What’s in the box?
Age range: 7 and up
Number of people: 2 or more
Materials needed: a box (or basket, plastic bin)
Benefits: imagination, spacial skills, expression
To play: The leader begins by showing the players how there is nothing really in the box, miming taking something out of the box (such as a pretend ball, or a toothbrush, etc.). By the way the leader uses the imaginary object, the other player(s) are able to ‘see what it is’ and guess! The leader continues to pretend using the imaginary object, until the player(s) know what it is. Then the box is passed to the next person who thinks of something that could be in the box, and again, without telling anyone, takes it out of the box (pretending), and begins to use the pretend object. Encourage taking something out of the box that is easy to use and easily recognized. A hula hoop, a jump rope, ice skates, a pair of earrings, etc., are all some ideas to get started!
Shedding Light
Age range: 7 and up
Number of people: 4 or more
Materials needed: none
Benefits: listening, auditory memory
A great exercise- especially for aspiring investigators!
Two players decide on a secret topic of conversation. They then talk about this topic without actually naming it. The other players try to figure out what the topic might be. When they feel they know the topic, they join in, adding to the conversation.
The first players may challenge the newcomer if it seems that they do not have the correct topic, and if that is true, the newcomer simply goes back until more clues are disclosed making them more certain of the subject. If the newcomer is correct, then they stay, joining the players in the conversation.
The game continues until everyone has joined in the conversation and everyone knows the topic.
Who’s Knocking?
Age range: 8 and up
Number of people: 2 or more
Materials needed: something to knock on (a door preferably)
Benefits: Acting skills, imagination, empathy
One person goes out of sight, and knocks on a door. The player tries to communicate who is knocking, and what the situation is, just using their knocking.
Other player(s) try to guess everything they can about who is knocking (the character’s age, occupation, etc.), as well as why.
Some examples could be a small child who is lost knocking at a door, a police officer trying to find a thief, an angry neighbor , etc.
The goal is to convey as much as possible through the knock.